ELVES Meets and Exceeds Ireland's Reuse, Recycling and Recovery Targets for a Fifth Year in a Row
ELVES, the producer compliance scheme for End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) in Ireland, has successfully ensured that the challenging ELV reuse and recovery targets of 85% and 95% are yet again being met nationally.
ELVES does this by funding additional recycling of ELV material that would not normally occur otherwise. In 2022, ELVES achieved a national reuse and recycling rate of 88.5% and an overall combined reuse and recovery rate of 95.5%.
According to Fiacra Quinn, CEO of ELVES, “The ELVES Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) Network has met its targets from the inception of this scheme in 2017, meeting national targets from 2018 onwards. To see national target achievement at over 95% again for 2022, is great to see, and is a reflection of ELVES work in this area.”
In addition to continuously working to meet and exceed the national targets, ELVES works to improve the reprocessing of ELVs through raising awareness about the correct way to scrap a vehicle, promoting its Network of ATFs so that the public know where they can take their vehicle for recycling, and highlighting the importance of getting a Certificate of Destruction when disposing of an End-of-Life Vehicle. ELVES also works on targeted interventions to aid ATFs including the provision of Autogas decommissioning equipment and Air Conditioning gas (F-Gas) removal guidance and training.
To help prepare for the future, ELVES established the Electric ELVES programme in 2018 to support all ATFs in the management of electric and hybrid vehicles when they reach end-of-life. For all ATFs in Ireland, the programme has provided free collection and recycling of electric vehicle batteries, information on their handling, and has also given 1,400 hours of training for dismantlers to-date. ELVES' most recent initiative in this area was an EPA funded project called Electric Loops, which investigated the reuse, remanufacturing and recycling potential of electric vehicles.
To read more about ELVES activities visit www.elves.ie.
Read more about the National ELV Statistics: https://www.epa.ie/our-services/monitoring--assessment/waste/national-waste-statistics/end-of-life-vehicles/